Nicholas Irving Wife: The Man Behind the Legend and His Wife, Jessica

Nicholas Irving Wife: The Man Behind the Legend and His Wife, Jessica

Photo of author
Written By Joe Martin

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Nearly six years after his last combat tour, the war hasn’t quite ended for Nicholas Irving, the 3rd Ranger Regiment’s first African-American sniper, known for his deadly precision with close to three dozen confirmed kills. Nick Irving, famously nicknamed “The Reaper,” has shared his harrowing experiences in his best-selling memoir of the same name. Despite his successful military career, Irving has struggled with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and alcohol abuse.

At a recent book-signing event near his home in San Antonio, Texas, attendees couldn’t help but notice the outline of what appeared to be a handgun at the small of his back. Irving’s home is heavily fortified with security cameras, and he keeps a gun under his pillow and an AK-47 by his bed. He admits that his concerns are more about local criminals than terrorists.

From “The Reaper” to Civilian Life

Nick Irving’s military career is marked by a particularly intense four-month period in Iraq, where he killed 33 men. Serving in the Army’s Third Ranger Battalion, Irving earned the moniker “The Reaper” from his comrades, a name that followed him into his civilian life and onto the cover of his memoir, “The Reaper.”

Following his military service, Irving gained public attention through appearances on Fox News, especially during the controversy surrounding the film “American Sniper.” The movie, based on the life of Chris Kyle, America’s most lethal sniper, received mixed reactions. Irving defended Kyle on social media, even endorsing harsh comments about filmmaker Michael Moore, who criticized the glorification of snipers.

A Life Rooted in the Military

Irving grew up in a military family in Maryland, where his father served as an Army sergeant. Though he struggled academically in ROTC school, he excelled in shooting and building his own guns. His talent with firearms became evident early on, as he often used his air rifle at home, repairing the damage he caused with his sister’s play-doh.

Irving’s dream of becoming a Navy SEAL was cut short due to his colorblindness, but the Rangers had no such reservations. Among the many stories in “The Reaper,” Irving recounts the gruesome details of his kills, including one instance where his target was turned into “mist and chunks.”

Nick Irving’s Personal Life: His Wife Jessica

Nick Irving is married to Jessica, and the couple lives in San Antonio, Texas. According to Jessica’s social media, they celebrated their seven-year anniversary on November 30, 2014. Jessica’s online presence shows her outspoken nature, once quoting rapper Lupe Fiasco on Facebook with a controversial statement about terrorism and then-President Obama, a post liked by Irving.

Dedication to Craft: Dirty Diana

Irving’s dedication to his craft is exemplified in his care for his SR-25 rifle, which he affectionately named “Dirty Diana.” In his memoir, Irving describes spending extra hours perfecting the paint job on his rifle, starting over if it wasn’t up to his standards. In contrast, his spotter’s gun lacked the same attention to detail, showcasing Irving’s meticulous nature.

Life After the Military

Since leaving the military in 2010, Irving has been managing a training center for aspiring snipers in San Antonio. He is also a regular contributor to the military website SOFREP and has opened up about his struggles with PTSD, including an emotional breakdown in a Walmart.

Irving’s life and experiences have also inspired the fictional character Vick Harwood, aka “The Reaper,” in collaboration with fellow combat veteran and novelist A.J. Tata. Harwood’s character, a blend of Irving’s real-life experiences and fictional elements, has resonated with readers and brought a fresh perspective to the genre.


Nick Irving’s journey from a decorated military sniper to a civilian struggling with the aftermath of war is a powerful story of resilience and adaptation. His experiences, both in combat and in civilian life, offer a unique perspective on the challenges faced by veterans. His memoir, “The Reaper,” and his subsequent ventures, including his training center and fictional works, continue to inspire and educate others about the realities of military service and the enduring impact it has on those who serve.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is Nick Irving’s wife?

Nick Irving is married to Jessica Irving. The couple has been together for over a decade and lives in San Antonio, Texas.

What is “The Reaper” about?

“The Reaper” is Nick Irving’s memoir, detailing his experiences as a sniper in the Army’s Third Ranger Battalion, including his struggles with PTSD and life after the military.

How did Nick Irving get the nickname “The Reaper”?

Nick Irving earned the nickname “The Reaper” from his fellow soldiers due to his lethal skills as a sniper during his deployment in Iraq.

What kind of rifle did Nick Irving use?

Nick Irving used an SR-25 rifle, which he named “Dirty Diana.” He took great care in maintaining and customizing his weapon.

What does Nick Irving do now?

Nick Irving runs a training center for aspiring snipers in San Antonio and is a regular blogger for SOFREP. He also co-authored the novel “Reaper: Ghost Target” with A.J. Tata.

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